Conform Report Hash (V1): 23A5D9833D93E1BB680BECDE7B974D55A8B66C43F42348EF0567F26CAE99D8E14704986E928601144867488FCF0B40AE9D3B3EF1E7D40C4343D37236B13F19F8 ConformanceCheck ASCOM Device Conformance Checker Version ConformanceCheck Running on ASCOM Platform 6.0 ConformanceCheck Driver ProgID: TemmaLite.Telescope Error numbers Error number for "Not Implemented" is: 80040400 Error number for "Invalid Value 1" is: 80040410 Error number for "Value Not Set" is: 80040417 11:30:49.256 Driver Access Checks OK 11:30:50.217 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using late binding 11:30:54.368 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using late binding 11:30:54.371 AccessChecks INFO The driver is a COM object 11:30:58.178 AccessChecks INFO Device exposes interface ITelescopeV2 11:31:00.420 AccessChecks INFO Device does not expose interface ITelescopeV3 11:31:01.065 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using driver access toolkit 11:31:03.925 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using driver access toolkit Conform is using ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope to get a Telescope object 11:31:06.137 ConformanceCheck OK Driver instance created successfully 11:31:09.000 ConformanceCheck OK Connected OK Common Driver Methods 11:31:10.270 InterfaceVersion OK 2 11:31:10.286 Connected OK True 11:31:10.299 Description OK Temma by Takahashi 11:31:10.362 DriverInfo OK ASCOM Telescope driver for Takahashi Temma protocols 6.0.7 Developed by Chuck Faranda V2 spec 11:31:10.369 DriverVersion OK 6.0 11:31:10.389 Name OK Temma by Takahashi 11:31:10.397 CommandString INFO Conform cannot test the CommandString method 11:31:10.406 CommandBlind INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBlind method 11:31:10.413 CommandBool INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBool method 11:31:10.419 Action INFO Conform cannot test the Action method 11:31:10.433 SupportedActions OK Driver returned an empty action list Can Properties 11:31:10.461 CanFindHome OK False 11:31:10.469 CanPark OK True 11:31:10.477 CanPulseGuide OK True 11:31:10.489 CanSetDeclinationRate OK True 11:31:10.498 CanSetGuideRates OK True 11:31:10.509 CanSetPark OK True 11:31:10.521 CanSetPierSide OK True 11:31:10.529 CanSetRightAscensionRate OK True 11:31:10.542 CanSetTracking OK True 11:31:10.552 CanSlew OK True 11:31:10.564 CanSlewltAz OK True 11:31:10.578 CanSlewAltAzAsync OK True 11:31:10.595 CanSlewAsync OK True 11:31:10.605 CanSync OK True 11:31:10.617 CanSyncAltAz OK True 11:31:10.630 CanUnPark OK True Pre-run Checks 11:31:10.662 Mount Safety INFO Scope is not parked, continuing testing 11:31:11.215 Mount Safety INFO Scope tracking has been enabled 11:31:11.225 TimeCheck INFO PC Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time, offset 4 hours. 11:31:11.234 TimeCheck INFO PC UTCDate: 26-Aug-2011 15:31:11 11:31:11.246 TimeCheck INFO Mount UTCDate: 26-Aug-2011 15:31:11 Properties 11:31:11.308 AlignmentMode OK algGermanPolar 11:31:11.327 Altitude OK 39.09 11:31:11.341 ApertureArea OK 35.2989350557349 11:31:11.354 ApertureDiameter OK 0.106 11:31:11.366 AtHome OK False 11:31:11.379 AtPark OK False 11:31:11.395 Azimuth OK 113.55 11:31:11.406 Declination OK 00:00:00 11:31:11.433 DeclinationRate Read OK 0.00 11:31:11.552 DeclinationRate Write OK 0.00 11:31:11.563 DoesRefraction Read OK False 11:31:11.578 DoesRefraction Write OK Can set DoesRefraction to True 11:31:11.593 EquatorialSystem OK equLocalTopocentric 11:31:11.607 FocalLength OK 0.53 11:31:11.630 GuideRateDeclination Read OK 0.00 11:31:11.647 GuideRateDeclination Write OK Can write Declination Guide Rate OK 11:31:11.674 GuideRateRightAscension Read OK 0.00 11:31:11.704 GuideRateRightAscension Write OK Can set RightAscension Guide OK 11:31:11.727 IsPulseGuideing OK False 11:31:11.752 RightAscension OK 11:29:47 11:31:11.790 RightAscensionRate Read OK 0.00 11:31:11.917 RightAscensionRate Write OK 0.00 11:31:11.935 SiteElevation Read OK 3 11:31:11.954 SiteElevation Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site elevation < -300m 11:31:11.976 SiteElevation Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site elevation > 10,000m 11:31:11.997 SiteElevation Write OK Legal value 3m written successfully 11:31:12.023 SiteLatitude Read OK 26:11:12 11:31:12.047 SiteLatitude Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site latitude < -90 degrees 11:31:12.071 SiteLatitude Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site latitude > 90 degrees 11:31:12.207 SiteLatitude Write OK Legal value 26:11:12 degrees written successfully 11:31:12.225 SiteLongitude Read OK -80:15:10 11:31:12.247 SiteLongitude Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site longitude < -180 degrees 11:31:12.306 SiteLongitude Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site longitude > 180 degrees 11:31:12.326 SiteLongitude Write OK Legal value -80:15:10 degrees written successfully 11:31:12.343 Slewing OK False 11:31:12.359 SlewSettleTime Read OK 2 11:31:12.380 SlewSettleTime Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set slew settle time < 0 11:31:12.394 SlewSettleTime Write OK Legal value 2 seconds written successfully 11:31:12.436 SideOfPier Read OK pierWest 11:31:12.460 SiderealTime OK 08:28:21 11:31:12.474 SiderealTime OK Scope and ASCOM sideral times agree to better than 2 seconds, Scope: 08:28:21, ASCOM: 08:28:20 11:31:12.499 TargetDeclination Read OK COM Not Set exception generated on read before write 11:31:12.515 TargetDeclination Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetDeclination < -90 degrees 11:31:12.538 TargetDeclination Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetDeclination > 90 degrees 11:31:12.555 TargetDeclination Write OK Legal value 01:00:00" DD:MM:SS written successfully 11:31:12.582 TargetRightAscension Read OK COM Not Set exception generated on read before write 11:31:12.602 TargetRightAscension Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetRightAscension < 0 hours 11:31:12.624 TargetRightAscension Write OK COM Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetRightAscension > 24 hours 11:31:12.642 TargetRightAscension Write OK Legal value 04:28:21 HH:MM:SS written successfully 11:31:12.663 Tracking Read OK True 11:31:13.329 Tracking Write OK False 11:31:14.386 TrackingRates Found drive rate: driveSidereal 11:31:14.400 TrackingRates Found drive rate: driveLunar 11:31:14.417 TrackingRates Found drive rate: driveSolar 11:31:14.431 TrackingRates Found drive rate: driveKing 11:31:14.455 TrackingRates OK Drive rates read OK 11:31:14.473 TrackingRate Read OK driveSidereal 11:31:14.840 TrackingRate Write OK Successfully set drive rate: driveSidereal 11:31:15.119 TrackingRate Write OK Successfully set drive rate: driveLunar 11:31:15.396 TrackingRate Write OK Successfully set drive rate: driveSolar 11:31:15.416 TrackingRate Write OK Successfully set drive rate: driveKing 11:31:15.773 UTCDate Read OK 8/26/2011 3:31:15 PM 11:31:15.794 UTCDate Write OK New UTCDate written successfully: 8/26/2011 3:31:15 PM Methods 11:31:15.859 CanMoveAxis:Primary OK CanMoveAxis:Primary False 11:31:15.883 CanMoveAxis:Secondary OK CanMoveAxis:Secondary False 11:31:15.902 CanMoveAxis:Tertiary OK CanMoveAxis:Tertiary False 11:31:17.143 Park OK Success 11:31:17.159 Park OK Success if already parked 11:31:17.184 Park:AbortSlew OK AbortSlew did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.217 Park:PulseGuide OK PulseGuide did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.243 Park:SlewToCoordinates OK SlewToCoordinates did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.269 Park:SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK SlewToCoordinatesAsync did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.302 Park:SlewToTarget OK SlewToTarget did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.335 Park:SlewToTargetAsync OK SlewToTargetAsync did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.365 Park:SyncToCoordinates OK SyncToCoordinates did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:17.391 Park:SyncToTarget OK SyncToTarget did raise an exception when Parked as required 11:31:19.872 UnPark OK Success 11:31:20.190 UnPark OK Success if already unparked 11:31:20.715 AbortSlew OK AbortSlew Ok when not slewing 11:31:20.787 AxisRate:Primary OK Axis rate minimum: 0 Axis rate maximum: 0.0041666 11:31:20.815 AxisRate:Primary OK Axis rate minimum: 1.45831 Axis rate maximum: 1.45831 11:31:20.830 AxisRate:Primary OK No overlapping axis rates found 11:31:20.852 AxisRate:Primary OK No duplcate axis rates found 11:31:20.886 AxisRate:Secondary OK Axis rate minimum: 0 Axis rate maximum: 0.0041666 11:31:20.907 AxisRate:Secondary OK Axis rate minimum: 1.45831 Axis rate maximum: 1.45831 11:31:20.926 AxisRate:Secondary OK No overlapping axis rates found 11:31:20.945 AxisRate:Secondary OK No duplcate axis rates found 11:31:20.969 AxisRate:Tertiary OK Empty axis rate returned 11:31:20.990 FindHome OK .NET - Feature not implemented 11:31:21.017 MoveAxis Primary OK .NET - Feature not implemented 11:31:21.037 MoveAxis Secondary OK .NET - Feature not implemented 11:31:21.062 MoveAxis Tertiary OK .NET - Feature not implemented 11:31:23.088 PulseGuide OK Synchronous pulseguide found OK 11:33:34.046 SlewToCoordinates OK Slewed to within 2 seconds of RA target: 07:28:32 Actual RA 07:28:31 11:33:34.106 SlewToCoordinates OK Slewed to target DEC OK: 01:00:00" 11:33:55.681 SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK Slewed to target RA OK: 06:30:44 11:33:55.701 SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK Slewed to target DEC OK: 02:00:00" 11:34:17.361 SlewToTarget OK Slewed to target RA OK: 05:31:05 11:34:17.380 SlewToTarget OK Slewed to target DEC OK: 03:00:00" 11:34:39.000 SlewToTargetAsync OK Slewed to target RA OK: 04:31:27 11:34:39.025 SlewToTargetAsync OK Slewed to target DEC OK: 04:00:00" 11:34:39.063 DestinationSideOfPier OK Negative hour angle puts mount on west side looking east 11:34:39.092 DestinationSideOfPier OK Positive hour angle puts mount on east side looking west 11:36:55.825 SlewToAltAz INFO Slewed to within 00:46:42" DD:MM:SS of expected Azimuth: 150:00:00" 11:36:55.849 SlewToAltAz INFO Slewed to within 00:15:09" DD:MM:SS of expected Altitude: 50:00:00" 11:37:09.610 SlewToAltAzAsync INFO Slewed to within 00:04:31" DD:MM:SS of expected Azimuth: 155:00:00" 11:37:09.635 SlewToAltAzAsync INFO Slewed to within 00:01:04" DD:MM:SS of expected Altitude: 55:00:00" 11:37:10.135 SyncToCoordinates RA Original: 09:30:34 Sync to: 09:29:22 New:09:30:34 11:37:10.153 SyncToCoordinates DEC Original: -06:01:36" Sync to: -06:00:24" New:-06:01:36" 11:37:10.170 SyncToCoordinates INFO Synced to within 00:01:12 HH:MM:SS of expected RA co-ordinate: 09:29:22 11:37:10.194 SyncToCoordinates INFO Synced to within 00:01:12" DD:MM:SS of expected DEC co-ordinate: -06:00:24" 11:37:10.687 SyncToTarget RA Original: 09:30:34 Sync to: 09:29:22 New:09:29:23 11:37:10.705 SyncToTarget DEC Original: -06:01:36" Sync to: -06:00:24" New:-06:00:24" 11:37:10.749 SyncToTarget OK Synced within 2 seconds of RA 11:37:10.774 SyncToTarget OK Synced DEC OK 11:37:11.785 SyncToAltAz Altitude Original: 55:08:57" Sync to: 54:08:57" New:55:09:02" 11:37:11.799 SyncToAltAz Azimuth Original: 00:00:00" Sync to: 01:00:00" New:155:33:11" 11:37:11.818 SyncToAltAz INFO Synced to within 01:00:05" DD:MM:SS of expected Altitude: 54:08:57" 11:37:11.842 SyncToAltAz INFO Synced to within 154:33:11" DD:MM:SS of expected Azimuth: 01:00:00" SideOfPier Model Tests 11:42:04.159 SideOfPier Write OK Successfully flipped pierWest to pierEast 11:54:13.487 SideofPier OK Reports the pointing state of the mount as expected 11:54:13.504 DestinationSideofPier OK Reports the pointing state of the mount as expected Post-run Checks 11:54:14.396 Mount Safety OK Tracking stopped to protect your mount. Conformance test complete No errors, warnings or issues found: your driver passes ASCOM validation!! Driver Hash Value: C2162463091E9BD4EC8FFB41C6E40E113D5EC4B8B820DC540F6D90AC9E98B7122969E7782B6B22A26657AC79D3885CFF10819A0715CA6AF94D4B448AA3C7E3CB